Connecting with Your Local Community: Meet Filipino Groups and Organizations in Your Area
If you are looking to develop a connection with the Filipino community near you or have a strong desire to celebrate your cultural identity in a meaningful way, consider getting involved with a local group or organization that shares your particular interests and values. There are a number of Filipino groups and organizations in the Phoenix area. These groups provide opportunities to connect with your fellow Kababayans, participate in cultural events, and contribute to the Filipino community in Arizona as a whole. From dance groups to business associations, there is something for everyone. Let’s take a closer look at some of the Filipino groups in your area and how you can get involved.
Where to Find Filipino Groups in Arizona?
Information about Filipino groups and/or Filipino organizations can be found by simply conducting an online search. However, most will find it easier to utilize our online directory which provides details about them in a convenient central location. You will find that several of these groups have websites and social media pages that provide additional information about their activities, however, a lot of this information can also be found on our Events Calendar. Here are a few examples of Filipino groups currently on our list:
How to get involved with a Filipino Group or Organization
Getting involved with a particular group or organization can be fairly simple and straightforward. Here are a few suggestions that can help you get started:
- Research and identify the Filipino groups or Filipino organizations of interest to you.
- Visit their website or Facebook page to learn more about their events and activities.
- Attend their events and activities to meet other members and get a feel for the organization.
- Consider becoming a member of the organization to support its mission and activities.
- Volunteer to serve on a committee or provide help during an event or activity.
Filipino Organizations in the Valley and Surrounding Areas
- Council of Filipino Organizations of Arizona (CFO) - A nonprofit organization that promotes Filipino culture and heritage in Arizona. This foundation organizes the Philippine Independence Day Celebration of Arizona and Mrs. Philippines Arizona pageant.
- Filipino American Business Chamber of Commerce - Arizona (FABCCA) - A networking group for Filipino American business owners and professionals in Arizona. They organize a variety of events including business mixers, seminars, and those involving Philippine Consular Outreach initiatives.
- Filipino American Nurses Organization of Grand Canyon State (FANOGCS) - A professional nursing organization whose mission is to promote and advance the nursing profession.
- Filipino American National Historical Society - Arizona Chapter (FANHSAZ) - This organization is dedicated to preserving and promoting Filipino American history and culture in Arizona.
More Examples of Nearby Filipino Groups
- Filipino Catholic Community at Our Lady of the Valley
- Filipino American Marriage Group of Arizona (FAMAZ)
- Filipino-American Sampaguita Club of Tucson (FASCOT)
- Southeast Valley Filipino-American Families and Friends (SEVFAF)
Local Filipino Groups on Facebook
- Bisaya Filipino Club of Arizona
- Filipino American in Arizona
- Filipino American Community of Casa Grande
- Filipinos in Maricopa City
- Filipino Community of Arizona
- Filipino Teachers Tucson-Phoenix
Events Organized by Filipino Groups in Phoenix
Here are some of the notable Filipino events that you can look forward to each year:
- Philippine Independence Day Celebration of Arizona - This annual event is organized by the Council of Filipino Organizations of Arizona to celebrate the Philippines' independence from Spain on June 12, 1898. It typically includes a parade, cultural performances, and a variety of food vendors.
- Filipino Festival of Arizona - A celebration of Philippine Independence co-organized by Southeast Valley Filipino-American Families and Friends (SEVFAF)
- Simbang Gabi - This nine-day novena mass is a Filipino Christmas tradition that is celebrated in December. It is organized by the Filipino Catholic Community of Arizona.
- Christmas Celebration - This annual Christmas party is organized by the Filipino American Marriage Group of Arizona (FAMAZ). This bicultural family event revolves around food, fun, and fellowship.
Be sure to check out our Events Calendar for a list of upcoming Filipino events and activities.
Benefits of Joining a Filipino Organization
Joining a Filipino group or organization can provide a number of benefits, including:
- Opportunities to connect with your fellow Kababayans. Joining a can provide a sense of community and belonging, especially for those who are new to the area or have a limited social network.
- Opportunities to celebrate your Filipino culture and heritage. Filipino-based interest groups and organizations sponsor a variety of cultural events and activities that allow members to learn more about their own heritage and to also share it with others.
- Opportunities to contribute to the Filipino community in Arizona. Volunteering your time and talent can make a positive impact on the long-term success of cultural events and activities in the community.
- Opportunities to develop new skills and experiences. Serving on a committee, as an officer, or board member is often a chance to learn something new and to grow both personally and professionally.
In conclusion, getting involved with a local Filipino group or organization can provide a number of benefits, including opportunities to connect with fellow Kababayans, celebrate Filipino culture and heritage, contribute to the Filipino community in Arizona, and develop new skills and experiences. With so many Filipino groups and organizations in the Phoenix area, there is sure to be one that aligns with your interests and values.